Grow your people, grow your business
Glinters, a company that is part of the Aegis Human Consulting Group, contacted us to study a new strategic repositioning and to rethink their brand image.
Their main goal is to help companies attract talent with an innovative methodology that aims to find the right match between the company and the candidate’s values.
Following this funding aspect of their work, the monogram is a stylization of the G incorporating a spark, chosen as an element capable of telling the company’s innovative method. A method that simply works, as if by magic.
The spark also synthesizes the candidates’ talent, Glinters’ intuition and the beginning of an effective relationship.
The look & feel, simply, follows this intuition, accompanying the elements of the layout with spontaneity and without formalism.

We encapsulated the definition of Glinters’ identity in a manifesto , outlining its founding values and principles that differentiate it from similar companies.
Thanks to a confident, irreverent and ironic tone of voice – but without excesses – it was possible for it to stand out in an industry characterized by rigor and formal tones. A voice that is recognizable, sincere, direct, and consistent with the people and values of Glinters.
The manifesto will be a shared reference for the tone of voice as well as an outline for the posts that will be published on the social channels prepared for the launch.