Our digital campaign for the summer’s hot social media drive from Control

In summer 2019, we were asked to work on a social media campaign to promote the wide range of products available from Control, the renowned sex-toy brand.
We created two different campaign formats to respond to the brief. The first featured still-life shots of products contextualised with a carefree and summery pop mood, at times provocative; the second was a concept-driven format with nude photos inspired by the body, sensuality, and eroticism to fit with the aphrodisiac effect of summer.
For both formats, we used natural elements that suited the products: fresh flowers, fruit, and plants that would transmit the summery and aphrodisiacal mood we wanted to communicate. With careful casting, we also conveyed the values that underpin the Control philosophy: inclusivity, diversity, and body positivity. We shot people of diverse ethnicities, genders, and body types so as to break down the stereotype of the perfect body.